Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Building a computer for Linux
From: maarten de boer (
Date: ke joulu 01 1999 - 13:19:57 EST
On Wed, 01 Dec 1999, wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm considering builing a new x86 computer from scratch, to be able to
> run Linux and Windows NT on it, specifically for music applications. I
> want it to be a PIII running as fast as I can afford, and would like to
> know what to consider in terms of hardware components to be able to run
> as effortlessly as possible. I'm especially concerned in regards to
> soundcard support...
> Thanks for your suggestions.
Hi Pablo,
For Linux, the Hoontech sound cards seem to be an excellent choice.
I don't have one, but people on the alsa list are very enthousiastic
about it. Also, Trident has make the specs completely open. The Hoontech
cards have SPDIF as well. You might want to check the ALSA mailing list
I use a AWE64PCI myself, which worked also pretty effortless, though I
have been reading things about creative using different chipsets and
cards with the same name, so you might want to check that.
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