Subject: [linux-audio-dev] mp3 decoder library
From: Adam Williams (
Date: pe joulu 03 1999 - 14:36:48 EST
What is the mp3 decoding library of choice that supports the following
high speed random seek
read to array of int16 or floats
mp2 compatibility
I've looked at various methods of accessing mpg123's decoding engine:
running mpg123 over a pipe but every seek invokes a sequential search
through the entire file.
xmms input plugin: the mpg123 seeking was somehow fixed but with no
osaflp...: runs mpg123 over a pipe.
using the libmpg object included in mpg123: doesn't support mp2/no
skysound: no seeking.
Any way of seeking mpg123 without the sequential search?
-- Heroine Virtual Render the impossible into reality
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