Re: [linux-audio-dev] Need a soundcard with SPDIF in and out

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Need a soundcard with SPDIF in and out
From: Bill Gribble (
Date: ti tammi� 11 2000 - 15:37:41 EST writes:
> My question is, what cards work under my beloved
> Linux and does SPDIF in and out work to?

I'm no expert, but I do have a drawer full of soundcards with s/pdif
i/o that have worked briefly at times past.

The Zefiro ZA-2 is an ISA s/pdif card. It was briefly supported by
OSS (the commercial version) but the s/pdif output always ran at 48
kHz and though the card was capable of 20-bit i/o the driver never did
anything but 16-bit. An ALSA driver was started but has since been

The RME digi32 card may or may not still be supported by OSS
(commercial). I havea license for it so I guess I should check, but I
got so PO'ed after OSS told me "Sorry, we aren't developing for the
ZA-2 anymore because there aren't enough users" that I'm not going
back to OSS. Apparently the documentation is available and an ALSA
driver is possible, but none of the developers have the card and it's
been superseded by the digi96 card which has a very different

The Creative SB Live! card has s/pdif output and the Platinum version
has s/pdif input also. There's an ALSA driver in CVS; as of today (I
think, haven't followed up yet) the s/pdif input is supported... BUT
the digital input and output always go through a sample rate converter
in the DSP chip, so that no matter what speed you open for writing,
your output is 48 kHz, and no matter what speed your input s/pdif your
software sees 48 kHz. I am taking this card back to the store right
away... this is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.

The RME 9652 "Hammerfall" card has count 'em 3 optical ADAT interfaces
at 8 digital channels i/o each, for a whopping 48 digital IO channels
on ADAT connectors, plus s/pdif in and out (I believe) for a grand
total of 52 channels of digital audio. Paul Barton-Davis is
apparently doing a fine job on a driver for ALSA and it should be
available before too long.

If you know of other s/pdif options, let me know!

Bill Gribble

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