Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] AC3 encoder for Linux? AAC vs MP3 vs MP2 quality :-)
From: David Olofson (
Date: ti tammi 11 2000 - 21:26:27 EST
On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> My idea is to store sample databases with 320 kbps but because plenty of
> the samples may be something like square wave, I wonder if this is
> a good idea.
"If it sounds good, it IS good!" However, keep in mind that some
sorts of signal processing may emphasize the errors, so the
requirements are higher than for the final output.
> I have compared visually the graphs of the original wave and decoded mp3.
> They look pretty the same with 320 kbps but maximum error in sample-to-sample
> comparison is nearly 8 bits. This made me think that the bytes are in wrong
> order but the mp3 audio is crystal clear and not noisy. Hmm...
8 bits aren't much if the frequencies are high, and the error is in
the time domain... :-)
> If you now rush to implement a mp3 sample database program, please
> notice that example implementation adds silence (1000 samples?) to the
> begin of the sample and drops off samples (700 samples?) from the end.
> Not good for synth samples and sample loops.
Oops... Is there any way to handle this accurately enough not to
cause trouble when compressing complete sampler patches? (Like
SoundFonts or AKAI banks.)
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