Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] News about sequencers (not my own though!)
From: David Olofson (
Date: ma tammi 17 2000 - 23:41:06 EST
On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, David Slomin wrote:
> David Olofson wrote:
> >
> > (snip: much well-deserved Cakewalk bashing)
> >
> Another important lesson we should learn from Cakewalk is to draw
> a distinction between a multi-track audio editor and an audio clip
> sequencer. Cakewalk tries to blur the line between the two with
> only very limited success. As you said, it doesn't keep the
> distinction between different clips clear, which can make it more
> frustrating to use than a tracker.
Yep; move some clips between tracks in the audio editor (hey, you
can't do that in the piano roll! why!?), and then look at the arrange
view clips (which is not the same as audio clips, for those who
haven't seen CW) - what a mess it becomes sometimes... *hehe* You
have to fix the arrange clips manually every now and then, when
editing audio.
> I'd love to see a good multitrack audio editor, since they're very
> useful beasts. There are several promising ones which people on
> this list are currently writing. However, I'm not one of these
> folks... my current project is definitely a sequencer. It is
> flexible in the sense that it can control the firing of audio clips
> just like any other event, but it does _not_ deal with audio
> directly, and would thus be terrible choice as a multitrack audio
> editor.
> This is higher-level version of the discussion on the MuCoS thread
> which reviewed the distinction between signals and events. They
> aren't different just for under-the-hood optimization... they're
> also very different for GUI editing interfaces.
Kind of one extra dimension... I've thought some about this audio +
MIDI integration thing, but haven't been able to think of any perfect
solution. It's just too many dimensions for a flat screen! :-) It can
be solved behind the scenes, but there'll have to be a number of
different UI variants, such as
* sequencer + sampler
* piano roll with audio clips
* multitrack audio view with clips
The point is that I don't want to be forced to shuffle my audio data
between different systems (samplers, HDR,...) with very similar
hardware and engines, just because they have slightly different UIs.
.- M u C o S -------------------. .- A u d i a l i t y ----------------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Rock Solid, Hard Real Time, |
| Plugin & Integration Standard | | Low Latency Signal Processing |
`------> -' `--> -'
.- D a v i d O l o f s o n ------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker, Linux Advocate, Open Source Advocate, Singer/Composer |
`----------------------------------------------> -'
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