Subject: [linux-audio-dev] OT: old elm Y2K
From: Eli Brandt (
Date: la tammi 22 2000 - 14:17:15 EST
David Slomin wrote:
> All I can say is here, here.
Yeah, I think we've all been in vehement agreement on this before.
> By the way, I love the timestamp on your message: 12/31/69. Unless
> you did that intentionally as a joke, that's one of the first actual
> Y2K bugs I've seen! Or does your appreciation for 'retro' ideas
> extend beyond raw voltage control? :-)
That's a bug in the version of elm I've got. Somebody apparently had
a weird dream about localtime() and wrote
if ((year = curr_tm.tm_year) < 100)
year += 1900;
So I'll see this mail as timestamped 21 Jan 100, but some people see
the 1969 date. I don't know why, but I can't complain; I'd prefer
the late Sixties to the early Roman Empire any day.
This rather amuses me, so I haven't gotten around to removing that
bogus "if".
-- Eli Brandt | |
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