Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] News about sequencers (not my own though!)
From: David Olofson (
Date: pe tammi 21 2000 - 21:18:23 EST
On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Paul Winkler wrote:
> > you have to
> > buffer the results (and output them using some streamlined function,
> > preferably in native code),
> newbie question: what is "native code" anyway?
Code compiled (and hopefully optimized :-) for the hardware you're
> > to get rid of the jitter that grows with
> > execution time.
> Does this mean that timing tends to get increasingly erratic as the
> run goes on?
No, what I meant was that if you do
...some code...
...some code...
you'll get latencies between the output_data(...) statements. If your
code takes up a great deal of the process cycle, these latencies can
become significant, especially if it's posible that the order of the
output_data(...) statements change in relation to destinations.
Using time stamps and a simple real time engine to output the results
should replace this problem with a constant latency.
(This is pretty much what the time stamped event system of MuCoS is
meant for; getting sample accurate timing without running the engine
one sample period at a time. You can stream MuCoS events from a
"soft" real time source with seconds of buffering and still get the
same accuracy in the output result.)
.- M u C o S -------------------. .- A u d i a l i t y ----------------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Rock Solid, Hard Real Time, |
| Plugin & Integration Standard | | Low Latency Signal Processing |
`------> -' `--> -'
.- D a v i d O l o f s o n ------------------------------------------.
| Audio Hacker, Linux Advocate, Open Source Advocate, Singer/Composer |
`----------------------------------------------> -'
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