Subject: [linux-audio-dev] MIDI sample dump?
From: Paul Winkler (
Date: to tammi 27 2000 - 01:05:20 EST
Does anyone know of any linux utility for sending / receiving
soundfiles to a sampler via MIDI?
I can't find anything on DLP's page.
I ask because a drummer friend just bought a ddrum kit & "brain".
It's a very cool device. The brain is not a sampler per se, but you
can load samples into it via midi -- IF you have software that can
do a midi sample dump. I gather this is a pretty standard feature on
samplers and many commercial wave editors.
Obviously my motivation is I want to get him to play MY sounds. :)
-- ................ paul winkler .................. slinkP arts: music, sound, illustration, design, etc. A member of ARMS -----> or or personal page ---->
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