Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "pro" soundfile editors for linux
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: la helmi 05 2000 - 02:16:06 EST
>From: Paul Barton-Davis <pbd_AT_Op.Net>
>If nothing else, perhaps several of us could join together and port
>Snd to GTK+. It seems to be the most capable and flexible soundfile
I have worked with GTK+ and can help.
>OTOH, its not clear to me if Snd uses non-destructive editing. I think
>it must ("Undo"), but it doesn't seem to have a way to save the edit
>without writing a new version of the file.
I remember some documentation on a proposed editlist in Snd but it is
not completed. Some months ago.
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