Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "pro" soundfile editors for linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: ma helmi 07 2000 - 12:36:24 EST
>I think Snd can do all this -- I'll write some documentation
>on loading/saving/editing edit lists (as I understand it, you want
>a bunch of mono sources and a way to combine them and edit
>the result that doesn't write a new sound -- this is actually easy
>to do in Snd, but it's not the way I normally work).
the key thing is that we consider the raw files immutable most of the
time. that is, "non destructive editing" has to mean just that. more
than that, things like ardour, which will need to be able to play back
the result sometimes need to understand how to read the edit list. so
yeah, docs would be great.
i am actually a little uncertain about some of my basic thinking
here. right now, i consider ardour to just be a recorder. having spent
part of yesterday working with protools, it is getting harder in my
mind to cleanly separate the recording/editing steps (as snd
demonstrates also). to try to reiterate: in my head, the task of
getting together the basic set of tracks is different that the task of
editing them, sequencing them, applying transforms, etc. but when you
sit down with protools, and record directly into the audio sequencer,
so to speak, some of these distinctions fade away, and i don't know if
thats a good or a bad thing. what i wanted for ardour was an "edit"
button that would fire up a program to work on the data via a shared
editlist, but have them be quite distinct processes. i need to
genuflect on whether this is really a good idea, or if something like
ardour should be considered a replacement for something like snd's
record window. One benefit: its means we would already have part of a
GTK version of snd :)
>> If nothing else, perhaps several of us could join together and port
>> Snd to GTK+.
>That would be great! I'd be happy to try to help. When I
>started work on Snd, Motif was the only available "industry-
>strength" GUI system; at that time it appeared that Lesstif
>would be viable "soon". (Actual work was done on the SGI since
>Linux at that time was not what it is today).
OK, so we have Juhana, myself and Bill. Anyone else want to step up ?
Now that sourceforge is on our side, collaborative work via CVS will
be very easy to arrange. Once we know who can help, we can draw gantt
charts and generally spout BS until its done :)
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