Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] "pro" soundfile editors for linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: ke helmi 09 2000 - 08:46:36 EST
>Paul, I think as application developers we should try to make things
>as easy a s possible for the people who what to try out an app.
>Therefore my advice would be not only to supply a list of download links of
>the libs needed for a program for working properly, but putting emphasis
>on installing a packaged version of the lib (RPM, DEB etc).
I agree entirely. The problem is that "as easy as possible" is still
too difficult just because of the number of libraries. Also, when
we're using "cutting edge" libraries (e.g the GNOME xml library, or
libtool's libltdl (also known as lib@#(*&#@$(@!), its too easy to keep
running into version incompatibilities.
I don't want to write monolithic applications; the ease of writing
ardour (and its unfinished precursor, hdr) by using the Quasimodo libs
has proved this to me if nothing else ever had. But that means
packaging up *and maintaining* libraries, and thats always more
difficult than shipping a single monolithic app, if only because of
the version issues.
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