Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio engine stuff
From: David Olofson (
Date: to helmi 17 2000 - 21:26:25 EST
On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, David Olofson wrote:
> that kind of stuff anyway. The plugin in the "non-RT" init thread
> could actually be connected to the engine *before* it's running in the
> engine's process. (Don't ask me if that's useful in this situation!
Should be "thread", of course...
> I'm also thinking about putting the array events (multiple property
> changes/commands in a single event) back in - for performance
> reasons. I still can't tell if it's really worth it, or if it's just
> pointless complexity.
Update: I think I'll just leave this out in the current prototype and
see what happens. It might turn out that there's virtually no use
for array events anyway, at least not in the form described in my
last (huge) post.
.- M u C o S --------------------------------. .- David Olofson ------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Audio Hacker |
| Plugin and Integration Standard | | Linux Advocate |
`------------> -' | Open Source Advocate |
.- A u d i a l i t y ------------------------. | Singer |
| Rock Solid Low Latency Signal Processing | | Songwriter |
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