Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA::runAdding()
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 17:49:46 EEST
>From: Paul Barton-Davis <pbd_AT_Op.Net>
>>The task is not to find alternatives.
>I think it is. The whole concept of a plugin "preroll" and "postroll"
>is very problematic. If there are alternatives to it, they should be used.
Unfortunately what is suggested so far for various alternatives involves
that the host has to be rewritten each time something new comes up.
I don't like that trend. It means a lot of maintenance work if one wants
to use new features.
>I said "what happens if I turn on a plugin in the middle" ? How can it
>possibly been have been doing *anything* for the last 10 seconds ? It
>was turned off. Your idea of what "turning on" means seems to be
>different than mine.
So, can LADSPA plug-in read input way earlier than outputting anything?
Or is it assumed that as soon as inputs and outputs are connected they
read and write stuff?
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