Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA::runAdding()
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 16:26:17 EEST
>The task is not to find alternatives.
I think it is. The whole concept of a plugin "preroll" and "postroll"
is very problematic. If there are alternatives to it, they should be used.
>>The whole idea makes no sense to
>>me. What happens if I turn on a plugin in the middle of an existing
>>audio flow ?
>If the recording plug-in were keeping last 10 seconds of audio in memory,
>then you start saving the buffer content to disk.
I said "what happens if I turn on a plugin in the middle" ? How can it
possibly been have been doing *anything* for the last 10 seconds ? It
was turned off. Your idea of what "turning on" means seems to be
different than mine. If it was on, then sure, some other parameter
alteration/event/control port value could get it to start saving to
disk at some point, but my point was that it was *off*.
I stand by the notion, thankful to have James' agreement and wording,
that there is no such thing as "a time before the beginning of time".
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