Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA::runAdding()
From: James McCartney (
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 23:07:23 EEST
on 4/1/00 11:53 AM, Juhana Sadeharju at wrote:
>> From: Paul Barton-Davis <pbd_AT_Op.Net>
>> Of course. Why on earth should it not be able to do this ? If its
>> called with runAdding(), it just does nothing; if called with run(),
>> it just writes zeroes. How else would a delay work ?
> In both cases there is a signal flow, right? What I asked can the plug-in
> output nothing at all, no signal flow.
This depends on what kind of flow graph you have.
If you are in an asynchronous stream based environment then this might make
sense, you just don't send a packet. If you are in a synchronous real time
environment, then the concept of no signal flow is inconsistent with the
type of flow graph.
--- james mccartney <>
SuperCollider - a real time synthesis programming language for the PowerMac.
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