Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Linux Audio plugin API's: where are we ?
From: Richard Guenther (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 13:02:36 EEST
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> Dear LAD Folk -
> We have also heard from the folks working on GLAME, who have their own
> plugin API that they offered up as their desired target. It has some
> fundamental differences with the general design of LADSPA, in
> particular over the question of who should allocate and control the
> buffers used by plugins. However, even the GLAME folks seem willing to
> entertain the idea of LADSPA as the "lowest common denominator", which
> is what I understood Richard's original goal to be.
Note, that while GLAME will probably support LADSPA plugins (while
suffering from some noticable wrapping overhead) but not the other way
around, i.e. GLAME plugins will not be compatible with LADSPA - and they
never can, as they are fundamentally different in a non-compatible way.
-- Richard Guenther <> WWW: The GLAME Project:
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