Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] audio application mixing/routing arch
From: Frank J. Carmickle (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 09:59:58 EEST
At 03:44 PM 3/31/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Paul Barton-Davis <pbd_AT_Op.Net> writes:
>> Connecting them together: now, how does a standard, daemon-style host
>> connect them together ? You'd have to have a (G)UI that allowed the user
>> to specify the routing, then relay this information to the
>> daemon. What you're describing now sounds more like a replacement for
>> esd.
>Please don't !!!!
>The daemon (or whatever) should offer an API for making the connections;
>the API can be a library communicating with the daemon with some IPC
>The daemon should not be linked with any code making direct user interaction;
>(think for a moment to a embedded Linux kernel running on a real synth :->).
>IMHO, plugin that have a direct UI (i.e. a UI running on the same process
of the daemon)
>are not a good idea on a Linux based architecture; think of having a
plugin made
>with a Kde interface running on a GNOME system ...
Well I have ben watching this discussion for as long as it has been going
on. I have been trying to stay out of the way to let you guys figure it
out on your own. However I would like to interject.
There are some of us out here who don't want a gui at all. I don't think
that it is necessary to have a gui and especially not in the low level
communications between hosts and plugins.
Kirk Reiser and myself are involved in working on the AWEsome project which
is going to be a ncurses console app for Audio Wave Editing.
We are interested in using LADSPA if it meets our requirements for
supporting pluggins that can be used in a non graphical environment.
Please consider this in your design.
Thank you
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