Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] a letter for review
From: James McCartney (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 23:02:35 EEST
on 4/5/00 1:28 PM, Paul Barton-Davis at pbd_AT_Op.Net wrote:
> Therefore, our first request is that Steinberg takes some action to
> allow developers to share reconfigured versions of the API files. We
> would find it ideal if you were to release the API under the GNU
> Public License (GPL), and encourage you to consider this. There are
> other existing open source licenses out there that may work better for
> you. The LGPL and the MPL spring to mind as others that you could
> consider. See for more details.
If they used GPL, no one could write closed source commercial software with
VST. They would have to be nuts to do that. LGPL perhaps. I wouldn't even
insult them with suggesting GPL.
--- james mccartney <>
SuperCollider - a real time synthesis programming language for the PowerMac.
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