Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] do YOU support LASDPA? (was Re: Linux Audio plugin API's: where are we ?)
From: Andy Lo A Foe (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 13:20:01 EEST
On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, MOULET Xavier FTRD/DMR/ISS wrote:
> My vision of the main problems is converging with paul's :
> * Lack of a GUI layer.
> and more precisely, lack of the clue for representation of control signals
> (no range, nor "type of signal (eg an #define VOLUME 0x0001) .
> A plugin should be able to give a hint of what it provides. Maybe an
> extension could be thought, eg. gtk-ladspa, which could provide a complete
> setup widget. and provide a way for the host to pass results (ie standard
> simple "plugincontrolvaluechanged(int n, float value)" events) to the
> mixer-process from the GUI-handler.
Hmm, how about a query system? I.e. add a mechanism to negotiate with a
plugin about various thing. To build a GUI setup panel for a plugin you
could simply ask the plugin for a list of customizable parameters (ranges,
names, etc) and build. Early on in the discussion about the plugin
interface we talked about this a bit. The most important advantage would
probably be GUI Toolkit independance since there is no standard toolkit in
Linux anyway :)
As for adapting LADSPA; I'm willing to convert the whole AlsaPLayer plugin
interface to LADSPA (input and output plugins). As for the "able" part,
as time permits...
-- AlsaPlayer,
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