Subject: [linux-audio-dev] ladspa gui issues
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 16:13:23 EEST
>Hmm, how about a query system? I.e. add a mechanism to negotiate with a
>plugin about various thing. To build a GUI setup panel for a plugin you
>could simply ask the plugin for a list of customizable parameters (ranges,
>names, etc) and build. Early on in the discussion about the plugin
>interface we talked about this a bit. The most important advantage would
>probably be GUI Toolkit independance since there is no standard toolkit in
>Linux anyway :)
I'd be quite happy to "donate"/modularize Quasimodo's XML-based GUI
system. It already contains elements for:
vertical sliders
horizontal sliders
two way switches
multi-way switches
on-off switches
list selection switches
soundfile selector switches
and more. The plugin just contains, or provides, an XML description of
what it wants its GUI to look like, including the names of the
parameters that each control element is bound to.
Right now, it uses Gtk--, but if I ripped it out and made it
"standalone", it would probably be very easy to port to other toolkits
if people wanted to. The hard work is actually in my libgtkmmext,
which contains Gtk-- and a few GTK+ widgets to support these kind of
GUI elements.
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