Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] ardour now operating smoothly with 24 channel playback, etc.
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sun Apr 09 2000 - 17:25:52 EEST
>From: Paul Barton-Davis <pbd_AT_Op.Net>
[ ... ]
Thanks for the explanation. It is not far from the ring buffer system Benno
posted here a while ago.
It is quite hard to help in fine-tuning because I have no extra $$$$$
for buying a modern PC, but I have some random suggestions:
(i) Forget that sleep, and use communications for telling when something
can be saved. It might even happen that the thread wakes up a bit too early
and goes back to sleep, and skips one period. I'm not sure how exactly you
implemented it. My shmrec sends a signal to disk service each time new
data can be read/written (with minor exceptions).
(ii) Arrange the files block interleaved (as proposed by somebody else).
Then you could read and write in one big chunks. The block size should be
the fragment size.
(iii) Try if swapping between
does anything. If you initially rendered the tracks as big separate files,
then latter could be more efficient, but I don't know for sure.
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