Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] plug-in mania and the sound editor du jour
From: Alexander Ehlert (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 10:11:06 EEST
> crashes loading a WAV file. GLAME built and installed easily, but it is
> not usable.
You can at least use the UI in the meantime. We're working on the GUI,
just wait a bit...
> I also took a look at Xwave again. Juhana, if you're reading this
> message, perhaps I could convince you to release your improvements to
> Xwave. The package available from MetaLab won't build under RH 6.1, and
> I had to make some links that weren't specified in the docs to get
> anywhere at all with the build process.
Xwave is really unusable as well. The gui is damn slow, it crashes really
often and I can't handle big files.
When we started writing glame, I didn't see one program where it is
possible to just do a simple task like loading the file, analyse the
volume, adjust it and save the file again. Something basic you want to do,
when you're want to a a personal "Best of"-CD with tracks from different
albums. Can you name one of all this projects that are able to do that and
that'll build without problems on every linux-distribution?
> considering whether their efforts might be better expended helping out
> with some of the established projects. Please understand though that
> I've nothing against new projects of course !
Looking at most programs, there is no or little documentation that helps
you understanding how to participate and when you not fully agree with the
concept, you're get faster along just writing your own code from scratch.
And I like programming on my own rather than trying to understand OP's
(undocumented) code.
GLAME isn't really usable yet, but at least our documentation is nearly up
to date with the codebase. That helps to encourage more people to get
Cheers, Alex
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