Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio distribution
From: Erik Steffl (
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 22:45:48 EEST
Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> >From: Erik Steffl <>
> >
> >> > That Linux audio distribution would be very handy now!
> >
> > debian already has failly useful system of dependencies etc. why not
> >simply use it, instead of creating new distro?
> That was my plan too. I prefer Debian over RedHat.
> The difference would be that we would maintain it independently of
> Debian. That way we could get more frequent releases.
if you use unstable you can release as often as you want. since debian
does not release very often, it is better to use unstable anyway (that's
what I've found and what others told me as well). the unstable is pretty
stable anyway.
> One problem is that some old software don't compile with newer libraries.
> In Debian those software goes to orphaned and whatever section. We would
well, if it's not maintained, it's going to be very hard to deal with
anyway... but you're right, having a goal you have it is probably
reasonable to take care of that too. specifically because there is not a
lot (as in more then you can grasp:-) of music/audio programs for linux
so every program is used...
> keep old libraries available for those programs. As old as needed.
> We could keep that kind of stuff in separate place than in standard
> Debian directories. We could even maintain identical directories
yes, that's reasonable. from other e-mail I was under impression that
it would be the full linux installation instead of an add-on.
since you can specify where to look for bebian packages the
integration with debian seems fairly straghtforward - just tell debian
where to look for linux-audio-stuff and off you go, you can install it
using regular debian tools etc... looks good.
> in debian and RedHat, and therefore a RedHat package doesn't mess Debian
> when opened there. I have heard people have messed their Linux this way.
well, if there is only rpm for given software, I use manual install,
simply rpm2cpio the archive and install it by hand (usually it's quite
easy). using rpm and deb on one system sounds like a good way to ruin
the system...
but then again, if you would use rpm format AND explicitly take care
of never ever touching anything but /opt/linux-audio-stuff (or something
like that) it could work well too...
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