Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [ardour] new CVS version
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 18:48:26 EEST
I just checked in another set of changes for ardour. Some of the
changes are cosmetic, some are design aspects. With these in place, I
have recorded several minutes worth of 24 channels without
problems. This design features:
* separate playback and capture buffers (twice the memory,
but what can we do ?)
* an extra copy from the playback buffer into the
capture buffer in order to set up "preexisting"
material for cross-fades at punch-in and punch-out
Processor load on my machine (dual PII-450) stays very comfortable
during a 24 channel recording session. It occasionally spikes, but is
generally on the order of 17-40%. This is with a single disk that
gives me about 13MB/sec sustained throughput for read access.
There is now support for all but one of the MIDI Machine Control
commands sent by the Mackie Digital 8 Bus, so hardware control of
Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play, Shuttle, Locate and Record Enable is
now operational if you have an MMC controller. Record will work in a
couple of days after I test a couple of details.
MIDI Time Code is generated, but its accuracy depends on the latency
you use with the Hammerfall, since it is generated by the audio thread
after every fragment is processed. Work is needed in this area.
There are still a number of significant design problems to fix,
notably the use of Tape::_transport_lock, which causes errors to be
reported when do a "locate" to a tape position. As far as I have
thought about it, they are all fairly easy to fix.
If you want to build it, you will need to get the latest version of
libmidi++ which now contains ever-increasing support for MIDI Machine
Control. You'll also need the latest CVS version of libpbd, though
there have been no changes there in about a week, and of course
libgtkmmext. These libraries can all be obtained from the Quasimodo
CVS repository (see for details).
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