Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: More results and thoughts on disk writing performance
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 15:38:55 EEST
>>All of ardour has been in CVS from the time I had a vaguely
>>functioning system, so all previous versions are always available.
>Now I'm wondering how to get the whole CVS files out of there,
>not only the latest or any other particular version.
I don't know how you can do that without the involvement of the
sysadmin staff where a CVS repository is located. But I don't know why
you'd want to do that, see below.
Say, if sourceforge
>losts all data, can earlier versions be accessed at all?
I have some backups, but no, I rely on sourceforge for data integrity.
>I want to examine different versions on my own disk, so, CVS "as is"
>would not be option.
Why not ? The only difference with them being at sourceforge is the
time it takes to do a checkout of the files. "Examining the whole CVS
file" would not be a way to compare versions, because of the patch
format used to maintain the history of the files. If you wanted to
look at different versions, even if the CVS repository was on your
disk, I think you'd still end up using CVS to checkout each version.
>And are there CVS to RCS converter, or can CVS programs handle
>CVS database on local disk, not in network?
Funny question. Funny because (1) CVS *is* RCS (its just a front end
to RCS) and (2) the network based use of CVS is a relatively new
thing, it was originally written without that capability, and all
files *had* to be local.
So the answers are "yes" and "yes".
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