Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] the new SoftWerk
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 02:22:39 EEST
>Can Softwerk render a standard MIDI file? I know it's a
>realtime-oriented app which just runs as long as you let it, but it
>would be _SO_ cool if you could say "Save two minutes of this as a
>midi file", and then open it up for editing in a more traditional
The current (and probably best) solution:
step 1: create a FIFO (only necessary the first time you want to do this)
% mkfifo /tmp/midififo1
step 2: fire up brainstorm, div's hack-par-excellence (timeout=60secs)
% brainstorm /tmp/midififo1 softwerk.mid 60 &
step 3: configure softwerk
(define midiport-fifo
'((device: "/tmp/midififo1")
(tag: "fifo")
(type: FIFO)
(mode: output))))
(set-config-var midi-ports (list midiport-fifo))
step 3a (optional): make the fifo port the default (unnecessary if its
the only one)
(set-config-var default-midi-out midiport-first)
(set-config-var default-midi-in midiport-first)
step 4: run softwerk
softwerk &
Et voila! Whenever softwerk pauses for more than 60 seconds,
brainstorm will close out its "recording", and write a standard MIDI
file containing the data. See the README that comes with brainstorm
for more info.
Caveat: you may be the first person to try this :) i.e. i have not!
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