Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] File interchange with ProTools?
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sat Aug 05 2000 - 05:56:56 EEST
>From: Paul Winkler <>
>Now that I've waved my magic wand and made everyone write my
>software for me, let's get back to my original question.
This is ridiculous! You asked too much! Everybody knows we all are busy
writing our Comprez2000 programs.
>Obviously before *any* of this can happen, Ardour/Snd and hopefully
>other linux soundapps must have support for EDLs of some kind.
Or we could write the OMFI tools independently.
Check also "" which is next generation
of omfi. I have no idea can we use it freely. Can we use omfi freely?
Some links on AAF I found from a search:
I also downloaded the API docs from "
specs/aafapi/" and a couple of other docs. Full specs seems to be
not available.
>* does anyone (especially PBD) think they will get around to
>implementing this anytime this year? or early next year?
How about now? But I'm not able to do it alone at all. Team work...
>... but neither xpdf nor gv wants to read it. :(
Thanks for the tip. They have become more open for putting docs available.
Good marketing point too. You should download Adobe's PDF viewer.
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