Subject: site unavailable :-( Was: Re: [linux-audio-dev] 2.2.15-lowlatency kernel RPMs available
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Mon Aug 07 2000 - 13:55:24 EEST
On Mon, 07 Aug 2000, Kevin Hremeviuc wrote:
> I can't get to the following link on the above page:
> I don't think it's problem at my end (famous last
> words).
You are right:
Udo said his server crashed misteriously ( it's a Linux box :-) ) , and of
course it had to happen just in August where all itialian universities close for
about 3 weeks , thus he has not physical access to his box.
Check back Sept 1st.
I'm sorry, but that was again the proof that we CS people are victims of
Murphy's Law ( Udo is normally in the lab the whole year except these 3weeks).
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