Subject: [linux-audio-dev] MuCoS 0.0.6
From: David Olofson (
Date: Sat Aug 12 2000 - 22:58:16 EEST
After a long while of apparently nothing at all going on, the MuCoS
web site
has been updated, and there is a new tarball in the download section,
mucos-0.0.6, with a few headers and a test program.
Some more protocols, plugin instantiation and data type management
has to be added to get a useful plugin API, but the headers in the
tarball demonstrate the fundamentals of the design.
.- M u C o S --------------------------------. .- David Olofson ------.
| A Free/Open Multimedia | | Audio Hacker |
| Plugin and Integration Standard | | Linux Advocate |
`------------> -' | Open Source Advocate |
.- A u d i a l i t y ------------------------. | Singer |
| Rock Solid Low Latency Signal Processing | | Songwriter |
`---> -' `-> -'
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