Re: [linux-audio-dev] Gigasampler Clone

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Gigasampler Clone
From: Maurizio De Cecco (
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 16:21:56 EEST

> > I would say: write this code in Europe.
> >
> > Maurizio
> And then protect the european FTP/WWW site so that US people can not download
> it ? (because we/they could get sued ?)

I don't know if they could be sued; i mean, i don't know if the user
of a software can be sued for patent infringement; doesn't seem logical,
but law and logics are two different things.

> Is it the european free-SW producer which has to deny the downloading
> of the program to US people, or are they responsible (for patent infringement)
> when they actually use the software ?

The whole thing should be checked with a set of lawyers, but my
government will not sue me for putting this software on my web site;
and since the patent is not valid/reconized in Europe, i don't think
in general i can be sued for it, FTP site or not.

The suggestion was "common sense"; for sure, writing that software in Europe
is not a problem, so better do it here while things are sorted out.

It may be worth mentioning anyway that the European situation may not last;
the war against software patent in Europe is not yet won ...


Maurizio De Cecco

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