Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Gigasampler Clone
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 16:48:59 EEST
On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, Maurizio De Cecco wrote:
> Nolan <> writes:
> > There is something called "willfull infringement" which is many times
> > worse than normal patent infringement. Since you've just announced your
> > intentions to violate (and your knowledge of) gigasampler's patent, you
> > need to be damn sure you can win that case... In the future, when
> > contemplating patent infringement, it would be wise to not mention it to
> > anyone, or keep any evidence that you knew the patent existed. Fscking
> > lawyers.
> >
> > of course, IANAL, just trying to make sure everyone knows the risks.
> I would say: write this code in Europe.
> Maurizio
And then protect the european FTP/WWW site so that US people can not download
it ? (because we/they could get sued ?)
What are the advantage of writing software in europe which you plan to ship
internationally ?
Who has the responsibility (in the case of free software) to avoid the
usage of "patented" algorithms ?
Is it the european free-SW producer which has to deny the downloading
of the program to US people, or are they responsible (for patent infringement)
when they actually use the software ?
eg. PBD making a new single-HIT (which gets in the top20) using Maurizio's
homebrew disk-based sampler ?
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