Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] java 1.3 sound capabilities
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 01:47:52 EEST
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Jim Coker wrote:
> My impressions, admittedly from a cursory look, is that
> Java is not appropriate when reliable, low-latency
> timing is an issue. It's an issue both on the VM
> side (no thread-timing guarantees, and no ability
> to do interrupt-level programming), and on the API side.
> Even though they don't want to admit it, I'm sure Sun's
> developers are aware of this, and are shying away from
> such applications.
I did at last install IBM's 1.3 and can run Silence with it. However, the
audio/MIDI are not functional. The notion of Blackdown 1.27 with Tritonus
sounds interesting, I might try that over the weekend.
Btw, I also recently tried VMware. No audio apps though, just Word97.
Seems to work all right: Even in the virtual machine Word crashed right on
Best regards,
== Dave Phillips
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