Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Newbie question
From: Erik de Castro Lopo (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 21:40:21 EEST
Luis Pablo Gasparotto wrote:
> Hi all,
> I�m a newbie in Linux Audio and I want to ask you some questions:
> 1) Wich�s the windows latency?
Who cares :-)
> 2) Advantages and disadvantages of RTLinux ? How it works? Differences
> between Linux and RTLinux?
RTLinux is a real time kernel which runs the Linux kernel as one of
its processes. The main problem with RTLinux form the point of view
of audio applications is that it RTLinux does not have all of the
operating systems services that you would expect from an OS. For
instance, it is my understanding that disk access is not possible
from RTLinux. Instead data has to be read from/written to a pipe
with a process under Linux doing the disk I/O.
> 3) Why Ingo�s patches don�t go to mainstream?
I see Ingo's patch as a proof of concept thing. Many on the lkml
saw the patch as a rough hack (which Ingo agrees with) and therefore
not suitable for going strait into the kernel.
However, there was extensive discussion about this on the lkml and
it looks like these issues will be looked at and dealt with even
if Ingo's patch isn't accepted as is.
> Is there other possible solution to real time in Linux?
There are one or two RTLinux work-alikes. One is named KURT;
try search for it on google.
-- +-------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo +-------------------------------------------------+ Peter F. Curran : Microsoft. Still delivering a text editor with Win95/98 that can only open a max 64K file, despite being on a machine with an 8Gig HD and 64M of ram.... G Cook: Perhaps, but Notepad is still the most functional program in the whole suite!
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