Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain
From: Andrew Morton (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 12:01:19 EEST

Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Now the latency jumped from 2.3 ms to 7 ms

7 ms was when starting the X server.

With "typical workloads" I'm currently showing the following latency

0-1 msec 99.994%
1-2 msec 0.003%
2-3 msec 0.002%
4-5 msec 0.001%

This is with the previously-posted six conditional_schedule()s and a
kinder, gentler zap_page_range().

Progress is currently bogged down chasing irrelevant bogosity in the
memory manager. Unless magic happens I'll shelve that and get something
less ambitious out.

But audio guys, please comprehend this: there is _no point_ in
submitting this work for inclusion unless you can stand in front of
Linus with your hands on your hearts and say "This works for us".

I am quite mystified as to why you're putting so much effort into joint
letters and such, and so little into testing a purported solution. I've
had two emails which said "cool for me", an apology from Paul B-D who is
travelling and that's all.

For your convenience I have attached here Saturday's patch against
2.4.0-test3-pre4. Go compile.


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