Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 12:56:01 EEST

>From: Andrew Morton <>
>I am quite mystified as to why you're putting so much effort into joint
>letters and such, and so little into testing a purported solution. I've
>had two emails which said "cool for me", an apology from Paul B-D who is
>travelling and that's all.

Maybe it is the nature of free software projects...

Anyway, I have kernel 2.0.36. If I install 2.4.0-test3-pre4, will it
break my system? Or more better, how can I keep both kernels in the
system? I need also to install newer Alsa drivers -- does they work
with kernel 2.4? Ok, I would have 20+ questions more.

This all for sure is explaned somewhere, but the point is that testing
requires a lot of changes and a possibility that I can't use my Linux
for anything else for next two weeks. (I don't have MS Windows where
all real work is happening, you see.)

But if there would be two or more audio people willing to upgrade
their Linux to latest with latest Alsa, then we could work together
and make sure nobody breaks their system. Please contact to me via
e-mail --- lets do it!


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