Subject: [linux-audio-dev] disk-based sampler: small BUGFIX + vibrato support in sample generator
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 18:34:48 EEST
I found a small (but nasty) bug in the playback engine:
when the file reached EOF the diskstreamer disabled the stream
but the voice was still active and so the associated ringbuffer.
So in some rare cases a new Note-on reused the freed stream and
interacted with the ringbuffer which that the audio thread still accessed.
That caused two voices and one disk stream accessing the same buffer,
causing nice audible glitches. You see that when designing async communication
you have to be _VERY_ careful because all sorts of races are waiting around the
Regarding the sample generator , I added vibrato support ( HZ and amount)
to make the sounds more interesting. (the README describes how to use vibrato)
the new release is here:
play with it and stress it as much as you can.
still waiting for your comments ....
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