RE: [linux-audio-dev] disk-based realtime sampler prototype relea sed ! please try it.

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Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] disk-based realtime sampler prototype relea sed ! please try it.
Date: Thu Jul 13 2000 - 19:41:29 EEST

> Musically speaking you almost always want to speed up
> samples & not slow
> them down! It makes sense if you think about. If you speed
> up a note to
> make a higher pitched note you are not losing any quality.
> Do it the other
> way round and it sounds bad.

Maybe you're talking musically, but if (new) sampling frequency is more than
twice the higher freq of the sound you're downsampling, you don't loose
If you've not filtered out all freq above 1/2 fs, then you got some dirty
frequency that appears due to <something I can't remember the english word
of ...>, let's say overlap of frequencies.

Anyway, you can count me in for GUI programming (gtk/gnome+python can do
marvels in GUI RAD) or DSP, though my time may not be forever extensible,
and I do not claim to be a reference in either domain !

But what do we really need for GUI's ? Isn't it a powerful instrument editor
(there we need a file format for sure) ? I really do not see what
information has to be passed realtime between GUI and sampler. For realtime,
we may go MIDI.

For the name, Evo stills make me think of evolution-the mailer. In addition
to Gloop, I propose Ova.

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