Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Realtime restrictions when running multiple audio apps .. Was: Re: disksampler ...
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 15:01:34 EEST
>From: Stefan Westerfeld <>
>don't want to fully merge apps in the soundserver. Running the complete
>Cubase with all plugins, X11 I/O, GUI etc. inside your three-threaded
>server might be possible for one Cubase, but at least if you start the
>second or another app, you'll run into serious trouble with duplicated
>symbols, toolkit event loops, etc.
I'm sure Benno didn't mean to do that.
aRts works good for KDE but it doesn't work that good for LAD.
Benno's approach is good because it is minimal and therefore offers
a plenty of room for developers. aRts looks too complicated and too
fixed for development. What if one wants to write his own soft synth
similar to aRts...
But even in Benno's approach one has to be sure that it is kept as
simple as possible. For example, we already debated about byte streams
in the core engine --- not all wanted them, but they are the only way
to make the engine as general as possible.
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