Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: EVO-Linux Physical Modeling HD Sampler
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 01:23:31 EEST
On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> >>each envelope is an arbitrary succession straight lines
> We should write a separate library for envelopes because they are needed
> everywhere. Such library should be usable from graphical editor and from
> audio engine.
Such a ramp editor would be nice.
As soon we have the complete specs of the entire sample engine layout,
someone of you can start to work on this editor.
> Using many lines for approximating the often needed exponential envelopes
> could work, but it might be more efficient to do the same mathematically.
> Thus exponential envelopes (line in decibel scale) should be allowed.
The envelopes have to be very efficient and using math does not make sense
to me ( are you really thinking about calculating y=exp(x) at every iteration
as said a few hundreds lines will aproximate the exponential curves VERY well,
and if you are not satisfied, you can always sample exp(x) sample per sample
the key point here is to keep the engine very efficient.
And today I added volume envelope support (with the method described on my
previous mail), and when playing 20 voices ( 6-7% of the PII400 CPU :-) ) ,
I did not notice a big performance difference when playing with or without
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