Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Realtime restrictions when running multiple audio apps .. Was: Re: disksampler ...
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 14:29:17 EEST
>Actually, this is just a way to separate implementation from the
>design. I have a FILE_IO class, which has above read() and write()
>functions. My app uses this interface. What happens on the
>implementation level is another thing. Basicly I have subclasses
>FILE_IO_STUPID and FILE_IO_CLEVER which actually implement the
>read() and write() functions. The first class simply uses fread()
>and fwrite(), while the second one launches a disk butler thread and
>does more intelligent disk i/o.
Kai, I don't suppose you have FILE_IO_EDL implemented yet, do you ?
That is, I/O to and from a "file" that is accompanied by an edit
decision list. The actual "file" may consist of one or more disk files.
I'm going to need to do this for Ardour in the fall. It seems quite
difficult to do with buffering etc.
If anyone wants to volunteer to write such a beast, that would be great.
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