Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] sound/gui interaction
From: Maarten de Boer (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 12:41:38 EEST
On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, wrote:
> thanks! now i need to figure out about the running as root problem...
Some obvious things:
I understand your concern, but I think it's good that running
highest priority applications is restricted to root.
Besides, when you give the application proper permissions during
installation, the user is not required to become root to run the
If you are really concerned about security, you can have your
processing stuff running in a seperate application, and have
your gui application running as normal user. (like jMax for
example) But than ofcourse you loose the threading, and have
to think of some communication between gui and processing.
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