Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] MTC, SMPTE, etc.
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sat Jul 22 2000 - 16:13:37 EEST
>> i'm not sure. SMPTE is not even close to frame-accurate (the finest
>> resolution is 1/30 second or thereabouts). there is therefore a lot of
>> room for sloppiness.
>i'm confused. isn't this 1/30 sec (or 1/ or 1/24 or
>whatever) supposed to be a "frame" (= one image of the
>film)? what kind of frames are you talking about ?
an audio frame (1 sample per channel).
>> i wish to god that SMPTE had never taken off. its the most ridiculous
>> thing since, errr, oh, something like APL. more precisely, its fine
>> for video timing, but its *insane* that its become accepted for audio
>> timing.
><tender little rant>
>erm, well, unlike the perfect solutions that we all here
>dream of, smpte is actually *available* and it's *standard*.
its available, just like microsecond time bases are and have been for
a long time, and its *substandard*, unlike microsecond timers :)
the idea that an audio stream's current "position", which changes at
least 44,100 times a second, should be represented by a timebase that
changes 30 times a second is just completely ludicrous to me.
>out of curiosity, what is apl ?
a mathematically oriented programming language from the late
1960's/early 1970's which generally required a special keyboard to
write it (it used math symbols as part of the source code).
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