Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] the ICube and Linux
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 05:59:32 EEST
>> I was saddened to discover that it is useless without an editor
>This is not true. I have used an iCube with jMax and linux for 6 months
>now. I wrote a jMax object for it, and sent it to them, you can download
>it from their website at
sorry, i spoke too harshly. this should be very useful. i'll take a
look. it seems likely that it will contain the stuff i need to finish
it off. did you get some extra info from them, other than the MIDI spec ?
>Still, a linux editor is a much-needed addition. I would like to take a
>look at a copy if possible.
the current source can be found at
As usual, it needs a bunch of my libraries (libpbd, libmidi++,
libguileconfig, libgtkmmext, perhap others; all of which you can get
from Quasimodo via CVS).
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