Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] 2.4.0test5-pre4-lowlat latencies benchmarked,
From: Iain Sandoe (
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 00:55:23 EEST
On Wed, Jul 26, 2000, Eli Brandt wrote:
> Karl W. MacMillan wrote:
> (Benno wrote:)
> (My understanding, though I'm not a Mac person, is that MacOS (pre-X)
> should not be conjoined-with-a-slash to Windows (post-3.1) because
> one's not preemptive and the other is.)
You're right, the MacOS situation is a little more complicated.
Fundamentally, it's co-operative multitasking (although the MP versions did
have a pre-emptive threads lib - and it can be used for UP). I don't recall
seeing any actual figures (but I've not looked either).
I think that the sentiment (without putting words into Benno's mouth) is
that, e.g. on my G4 + MacOS9 I can achieve 6ms throughput latency (Sonorus)
whilst doing a live recording and using compression on N channels & several
effects plugs... This is not a terribly scientific measure - but it *is* a
practical, useful & (in spite of the out-of-date-press) reliable platform
for studio work... this is what we are trying to achieve with Linux.
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