Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Latency test (RTcmix/Linux)
From: Gary Scavone (gary_AT_ccrma.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Sun Jul 30 2000 - 01:26:36 EEST
>>what version o ALSA did you use ?
>>CVS or 0.5.x ?
>>In ALSA 0.5.x params.buf.block.frags_max = 3 means 4 effective fragments
>>so in theory 10msec would be 2 x 4 fragments of 64 frames each at 44.1kHz,
>>but the latency is influenced by DAC preloading too , and if you use an
>>external API or prebuilt class, you would need to track it down to the lowest
>>level that means look where the audio device is opened and what parameters
>>are passed and if there is an initial write() after before the read() / write()
>>loop starts.
Well, I was using 32 sample frames at 44.1 kHz.
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