Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Archives?
From: David Jander (
Date: ke maalis 08 2000 - 14:17:39 EST
On Wed, 08 Mar 2000, you wrote:
>Is LAD archive? New people comes in and the LAD page doesn't mention
>any archives. And so many good debates they are missing...
>Is it pointless to post "antipatents" to a mailing list which is not
>even archived? ^^^^^^^
> bwahaaha!! got the word even to this mail!!
If there are really no archives, maybe my mailbox would come in handy :-)
I've got each and every message of this list since Dec, 06 1999 on my Hard
If this really could be of any use depatenting (or antipatenting) any ideas
exposed here, let me know ... or if anyone wants to start a "real" archive of
this list....
One day I'll patent the act of breathing air to extract Oxygene fom it !!
David Jander J. | "M$-Windows sux, Linux Rulez !
Electronics Student, UTFSM, Chile | That's it !"
E-Mail : | -Me
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