Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] New LADSPA Version - Issues Resolved?
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: to maalis 09 2000 - 11:14:32 EST
>range for a control port is the PortNames string. Now if the host wanted
>to provide for example a GUI for the LADSPA plugin,
I think this is an exceptionally bad idea. the vstGUI model is all
wrong. The only way that a host might conceivably get involved with
providing a GUI to a plugin is to give it a handle to either an
XWindow, or if the host was toolkit-specific, some toolkit specific
widget. GTK has a fairly nice "GtkSocket/GtkPlug" pair of widgets just
for this kind of purpose. Sharing a connection to an X host makes a
little bit of sense (though actually, not much, because very few X
servers are truly MT-safe, and the GUI code does not and *cannot* be
allowed to run in the host thread).
The VST list seems quite full people trying to figure out how to do
various things with the vstGUI layer that they already know how to do
with <their-favorite-window-toolkit>. We should not replicate this
What we *can* do is to write widgets for <your-favorite-toolkit> to make
life easier for plugin writers who want GUI's. My own "gtkmmext"
library (for Gtk--) is an example of my own efforts in that area, and
comes with various goodies that I have found useful writing audio
C++ GUI's (pixmap buttons, LEDs, shaped windows, etc.)
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