Subject: [linux-audio-dev] A few Q's
From: Iain Sandoe (
Date: pe maalis 10 2000 - 05:46:28 EST
I'm relatively new to the list (but have watched and surfed a little to try
and answer these questions/observations - before posting).
I am both a potential commercial developer (gotta eat somehow) and open
source contributor (I own my company so I can do this).
This is an excellent list (by comparison with the 'no!sy' ones one might
mention).... there is a lot of detailed discussion but...
I am having difficulty seeing the overall architecture of what is being
attempted by the various solutions LADSPA/Alsa/MuCoS etc.
Is the a hint/URL where the overall plan is discussed?
I.E. - How do I give the non-kernel-hacker musician/studio engineer
something that he/she can relate to in terms of everyday studio functions?
This is what VST DOES NOW and why my studio runs VST on Mac - the musicians
& engineers understand it. Not to mention the fact that Charlie has been at
this for a long time...
I would love to see the potential advantages of Linux adopted for this (all
my machines dual-boot).
I have started a discussion paper on the topic - and would be happy to post
it if anyone is interested?
Latency: - is a performance issue (only - I think) there are solutions to
record/playback systems: Note:
- It takes 2ms for sound to get from a typical floor monitor to your ear.
- It takes sound 23ms to get from one end of my studio to the other (this is
a little disconcerting when playing the piano at one end).
- not many people can afford in-ear monitoring.
- a lot of plugs need some history of samples to be effective (OK, so there
are usually IIR-style variants) - but (somehow) the plug must be able to
tell the framework what "it's" latency is.
Is there a LinuxPPC developer on/involved in the list?
(Lies, damned lies & benchmarks - in the real world - I get 1.3 times the
performance from a 300MHz G3 that I do from a 500MHz PIII - which maters for
multi-plug solutions).
"They won't ever want to do that"
Not true - most of the "Advances" in music happen from just that (whether
you consider them musical or not).
A real system must be a little more sophisticated than the type of interface
offered by the likes of SBLive.
How do we persuade Korg, Opcode (or whoever owns them now) et. al. to let us
implement drivers for their hardware? - multichannel/ADAT etc. is essential
for a sensible studio - even a home/project one.
There are other issues (but I think this is too long already).
I'm off to find my asbestos suit...
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