Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Quasimodo (Was: Re: LADSPA GUI)
From: Jim Coker (
Date: pe maalis 10 2000 - 14:42:48 EST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> In general, a language that cannot (reasonably) easily have its parser
> reimplemented is off-limits to Quasimodo.
> Guile and maybe java might offer a way out of this, by providing
> access to the parse tree. In the case of both languages, we'd get some
> benefits, but not much is you assume that the alternative is a sort of
> "mini C".
There are complete java and gnu C grammars for ANTLR (a parser
generator) at I've used ANTLR heavily for several
years and find it ideal for language implementation. Tree generation,
manipulation and traversal are some of its most useful features.
> If I was at a university, I would be reading old papers on language
> design for music synthesis, and what was learnt. The Music N series is
> definitely not the be-all-and-end-all of such things.
You might want to take a peek at Supercollider (,
It's a Smalltalk-ish language for audio synthesis that uses some
interesting paradigms for building processing structures
A particularly neat feature is that most of it (including garbage
collection) can run at interrupt time.
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