Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Quasimodo (Was: Re: LADSPA GUI)
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: pe maalis 10 2000 - 23:37:29 EST
>never used it). my point was simply that there is a difference
>between modules (complete black-boxes) and opcodes (dsp library with
>a standardized interface). without looking at the code, i assume the
>interface between modules is different than the interface between
currently yes, but i see no reason why something like LADSPA could not
be used for both. it will need some careful thought, because of the
requirement mentioned in my last message for an intepreter/compiler.
>i would think routing audio signals into controll ports breaks these
>layers with little added utitlity.
not really. audio signals are vectors, control signals are scalars. if
you route an audio sig to a control value, you just use the first
value in the vector.
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